Ah the futility - we only are going on four tour walks as a class, and the one today basically retraced our footsteps from last sunday. oh well, so it goes, it was interesting to see again, with a little more commentary on what we were seeing. also saw yet another corbusier building lol, a little place called the Maison Planiex on a very large road. it was kind of cool to see a buuilding that looked like it was from the 30s or 40s without being overly restored - it wasn't all that white anymore... saw the Cite de Refuge again, and the BNF at dusk and evening. Scary event - the sunken forest absolutely filled with ?sparrows? after dusk - a seriously gross number of birds flocked in there. and i like birds, alot. these were enough to sag the branches, and they kept flying across our sites for 4 or 5 minutes to keep settling (there were groundskeepers trying to shoo them away) very creepy "the birds"-like moment.

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