confession: all the previous were written up after a few days here and all posted on the 24th - after that i forgot to keep a journal, so this is memories and emails pieced together - they'll get less wordy now, promise....
wandered a long time today - fabulous pictures of the louvre in the sun, fabulous time walking around in the sun.... eventually got to notre dame at 2 ish, spent a long time sketching inside and out. tony and i have resolved to figure out pen and wash drawings - i was playing with smearing ink lines with spit (and a paintbrush, surely not more then minorly toxic) and it's so amazingly fast and adds so much depth, even if the beginning sketch kinda sucks... hehe :). i was a little disappointed at the inside of notre-dame, it was grand and all, but after the delicacy of sainte-chappelle it was kind of heavy-handed. very dark inside as well, even on a sunny day, i wonder how it worked with just candles. at some point i'll have to go back and pay to get into the crypts, although i've heard those of saint-denis are better, all the kings piled up on each other - ew.

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