deciding that the skies weren't going to open up and pour light on the monument, i trekked back to the train station... i much prefer walking uphill. almost always. i prefer the effort, and the lack of blisters.
ran into tony at the belfort train station - smile-inducing coincidence, and very very fortunate... got his train info and the florence hotel address and said see you when i will... ended up getting into the same night train compartment though, fun to 'randomly' see someone you know twice in a day in europe in completely different places... i took the time before the night train and my railpass to check out the other large Swiss town i hadn't seen yet (not Zurich either... we'll see....)
i should have stayed in basel actually, i just barely got to run out of the train station and see the sun hitting the town for the only time in that week we were there and say, "hey this could actually be nice...." before jumping on the train to bern. not a memorable train ride at all. until the very end when these gorgeous mountains poked their way out of the horizon for just a second. goal of bern became to obtain a better view of the mountains.

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