Friday, February 10, 2006

Thursday (confused for friday)

yeah - went to studio early and everything cause i thought it was friday - sigh - so it goes. went to get train tickets to the thermal baths at vals, a must-see architectural destination - i'll be there saturday, excited. walked around the area for a bit, got back to the bastille and surroundings (similar to Chicago's Lincoln Park - yuppies) saw the promenade de plants, etc.

at studio until 8ish, no internet destroyed the day kind of, lots of things i had wanted to take care of. pasta and laundry at home, went with sara to this 'free international night' at a club in south paris. sort of lame, dance poles and whatever, but i can say i've been to a club now, and the whole thing was completely free, had a few drinks, too much pasta to feel them (almost unfortunately, sara's friends we met there were stereotypical state school girls, would have been more amusing tipsy i think).... rode home on the metra so back before one.... heh.

picture is stylized of a place on our site for studio. Posted by Picasa

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