Wednesday, March 29, 2006

People came to see me!!!!

or... i got to run and catch and tag along while they were here... it was good to see family though - Tim and Becky, my mom's cousins.... makes them second cousins, or aunt'n'uncleish cousins, or something.... and Dan and Sara. kind of caught them last minute, forgetting about a cell phone (it's been nice not to have one and i've simply forgotten about bringing it with me) but i still was able to wink out their restaurants from all the streets of Paris.... wee... we had half-planned to go to the Musee d'Orsay, but the taxis didn't oblige. Ended up walking the Champs E'leysee, kind of fun. Gave Dan my camera for amusement, he snapped this picture so I'm in it! in front of an ubiquitous newstand on the Champs Eleysee, with Tim's jacket... walked to the Opera from there, fun to be a tour guide and just know where everything is... everyone should come visit me so i can have that feeling more ;) it was a fun night, and very good to change company for awhile... Posted by Picasa

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