killed time indoors as long as we could on a monday, fortunately amsterdam is pretty night-oriented, and it wasn't a problem finding establishments to hang out in until 2:30-3. there was a famous/well-published (same thing?) MVRDV project way out in the boonies of the city we had wanted to see. we wimped out on walking there, but after a long COLD wait for the bus and falling asleep on the ride keeping inm motion seemed good. this was a newer semi-burb, big housing projects lonely to walk by, one light on in each from some insomniac. sight seen and walked around destination without stopping... quite beautiful, wierd with improbably large cantilevers off the sides, and color. pretty. it was cold.... our walk back occupied us from 3:45ish until 6:15ish... it was quite a walk in the dark along a dead highway falling asleep. surreal and long, and quite survivable. they wouldn't let us sleep in the station before we left, sigh.... but then we were home in paris, and that's always quite lovely. although, having skipped a day of class i was obliged to go in right away, and i missed part of a very lovely movie due to hallucinations and microsleeps - litteral hallucinations, i swear a cat jumped through the door behind the screen.... haha. we made it!
this picture is from amsterdam (during the day? yes). and it's my new concept for a skyscraper when it's flipped like this. this was apocolypse spot. hmm going to transcribe from notebook, i didn't get the feeling quite of this spot but i worked at it - probably too hard. impression was formed before the sun came all the way out like it was in this picture, and further back in the walk a little - walking through almost suburban identical... houses i guess, although it wasn't really houses or rowhouse building types. anyway....
Matching footsteps crunching along indefinately, an echo implied in the building canyon, the absense a distrubing misplacement. Wind pushes gently, hoping to misalign the inexorable line, whispering mellow frustration into ear shells, abandoning whining with a turn of my head. the inevitable end of civilization, expected yet a suprse when it lets in the vista overly predicted by the framed vision goal. more space for the air to play idly, fingerpainting sun sparkeles with the water, ignoring bodies and feet for new amusments.
The qualities of pale light streaming through invisibly shifting atmosphere portends the willingness of existance to pause, turn off time to contemplate, unnoticed in the rippling of this second.
Attention captured elsewhere, expectant awaiting of annihilation abandoned, the sky shrugs and drops a snowflake....
it actually felt quite a bit like fargo somehow.

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