Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Vatican hugeness

Hmm... we thought the really long lines to get into the Vatican were because Wednesday is the day the Pope allows visitations, but apparently we weren't even in that line... it went all the way across the plazza. even worse though, was the line for the bathroom - males got to go right in, i had to wait for 20 minutes.... ugh. gross bathrooms too, sexist Catholics.... ;). seriously though, no toilet seat is not a good bathroom.

back in line for another while, the interior of the space was enormous - i had mentally pictured it even larger i guess... but it was quite substantial enough. gorgeous artwork, even more impressive when we found out they were not paintings, but murals.... would have sworn they were paintings, the pieces were indistinguishable until about 2 feet away... and you couldn't get within 2 feet. very nice to see a church with sun pouring in, wish i had been able to see a more baroque cathedral in that light too... anyway, beautiful, then a long wait to go up into the cupola..... Posted by Picasa

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