My train left at 8 and I was still across the city from the station at sunset, so I decided to give myself the rest of the time to wander back - I hadn't used the map all day and I didn't want to start. I ended up needing the whole time.... still letting myself be distracted, but I was in quite a hurry at the end - made it in plenty of time though, and the train station was pretty frustratingly inefficient, probably the worst part of the day... shrug.
It was very interesting being in a city by myself, and wierd to realize that it hadn't happened much yet. A little undecided on if I prefer it - there are some things that are nice, but good company is definately more fun, mediocre company probably not... I definately have a faster pace then most people walking around, not unappreciatively hurrying, just getting someplace at the same time (means i run into things with my head in the clouds, acceptable compromise) and i have a pretty high tolerance for ignoring things like hunger and fatigue in the interest of seeing or experiencing the things i'd like too.... shrug whatever.... it's a whole week until i travel again HA :).

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