after the museum i considered wandering but decided to knock of the other major thing on my way - koolhaus' kunsthall in rotterdam. i think i have officially been to more kunsthalls then art museums now, interesting... i was sorely disappointed by the building, it was put into perspective by randy saying that it was literally supposed to evoke a crate for art - in the graphics at least, and it was followed through with the badly-aging fiberglass barn tin siding badly cut and detailed, an excess of plywood in the interior, and the overall sloppiness in detailing. Artistic maybe, but i'm sure it was still expensive and a little distasteful for sure...
toulouse-lautrec exhibit i missed in Chicago - interesting to catch those, i think i had earlier too... i was not too impressed - he obviously did know how to capture people, but they were allways caricature-ish, the men were all lumps and the women always sharp-faced and peevish. Never overtly sexy, the lines to nervously drawn for that, it was hard to explain the draw. He did have a very effective way of putting enough contrast into even the pencil drawings - often one character would be simply lines and the other darkly shaded - light/dark the theme. Interesting Art Deco record covers, interesting to see them in an art museum when you see that style all the time in garage sales of old music - might be good to start grabbing some.

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