Friday, February 03, 2006

Webby Connectedness

spent studio today linking myself up even more with the web.... zactlymyself is my user name for close to everything now... if you're interested in what music i listen to, is my audioscrobbler account - will have it posted in my blog eventually, i think it's a fun thing to have and like seeing other people with it - plus the radio function is supposed to be pretty awesomely tailored and works with launchcast and stuff. is a program we were told about in the web tech class which is turning out to be very useful - it's a link sharing site, kind of like a bookmarks folder except shared with everyone on the internet and a tagging function that makes it a lot easier to find exactly what you were looking at again - and what other people look for on that topic. is all my links - a ton of fun futuristic architecture stuff, it'll probably become pretty crowded with hostel reservations etc pretty soon, but it's easy to search around those. and the firefox extension to use it is amazingly easy. i like the internet.

go web 2.0.... off for some non-nerdy, real life experience in Switzerland! (Geneva and Lausanne, more posts o'course when i get back on monday)

oh - pic is another from sagrada familia, climbing up the tower - fun fun fun.... picture of Marche Cadet to come soon :) Posted by Picasa