Friday, February 10, 2006

Plans for the next two (2) weeks....

this was switzerland as sara and i left it last weekend.... but vals is supposed to be sunny and 37 degrees tomorrow - super-excited, it should be fantastic. bunch of other buildings to see in Chur and Luzern as well. Sleeping on the train tonight, in Luzern tomorrow night, traveling to basel and hopefully Ronchamp and Vitra on Sunday.

Basel charrette from 10 am Monday to 6 pm Friday, weekend i'm planning on going to the olympics (or at least Turin to see the sights and atmosphere) and Florence, then Tuesday at 2 until Friday at 1 in Rome for sure, if i like it alot i'll stay in Rome, if I'd rather do something else I might try out Milan or the Olympics again, maybe Zurich on the way back to Paris. Class on Tuesday at 2:00.

Today i have to finish laundry and packing, probably to the louvre tonight and our train leaves at 10:30 tonight. So.... i might not be able to post for awhile, definately text-only if I can. I'll try to email people and stuff, should assume I'm ok though. I'll have lots to post when I get back :) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday Night (mentally, thursday night)

hah yeah got the days confused. internet went down, wasn't able to post or say Happy Birthday! to Sarah yesterday.... quite abrubtly decided to go to the Pompidou Center with Tony and Lisa, great exhibit "Big Bang" crazy famous stuff, and famous just to me like the original CIAM/Team Ten grid presentation.

Italian pizza supper with tin palm trees, interesting bar, Place do Vosages, not nearly as cool at night as it aparently is during the day, and then I finally made it to the Bastille! ha.... said "I better take a picture, i don't know if i'll be back...." was there again on Thursday. Ha.

Thursday (confused for friday)

yeah - went to studio early and everything cause i thought it was friday - sigh - so it goes. went to get train tickets to the thermal baths at vals, a must-see architectural destination - i'll be there saturday, excited. walked around the area for a bit, got back to the bastille and surroundings (similar to Chicago's Lincoln Park - yuppies) saw the promenade de plants, etc.

at studio until 8ish, no internet destroyed the day kind of, lots of things i had wanted to take care of. pasta and laundry at home, went with sara to this 'free international night' at a club in south paris. sort of lame, dance poles and whatever, but i can say i've been to a club now, and the whole thing was completely free, had a few drinks, too much pasta to feel them (almost unfortunately, sara's friends we met there were stereotypical state school girls, would have been more amusing tipsy i think).... rode home on the metra so back before one.... heh.

picture is stylized of a place on our site for studio. Posted by Picasa