The rail line (la Petit Ceinture, to be exact) was a little of a let down after the walk, but still pretty enchanting. Got up through a closed but not locked gate, had to scramble nearly straight up a story or two to get on the track itself, pants with slightly thinner knees now, no worries... This portion of the line was further above the street level and even more unworldly then the section in the 19th. It was SO quiet up there, lots of trees and birds and leaves crackling audibly underfoot. i got nervous every time i walked above a street crossing because the auto traffic would sound like a train coming.... it was a pretty cool walk, maybe a kilometer or so. the line opened up a little towards the end (a gated, long tunnel) and there were tennis courts on the side, very charming. had to ask to be let out onto the street, nice obliging and slow moving old Parisian lady.
was going to pick up the line a few blocks ahead where it appeared to come out of the tunnel on the map - but it was dug into the ground about 50 feet at that point, and i'd had enough scrambling. Instead I layed down in the sunshine in the little park i found myself in.... probably fell asleep for 5 minutes again, very refreshing :). it really was quiet enough that i felt safe - i looked around at a pigeon walking over leaves.
rather whiled away the rest of the day in studio posting barcelona story... went home with tony for blt's: very respectable even with our questionable stovetop. we didn't want to cook all the bacon, and bags are something we're lacking... thus the cup'o'meat of the title... ew! haha. evening reading and brainstorming and sleeping...mmm....

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