Being given a free day to um work on studio and not being terribly impressed with the area of our rail section, I went off to find another to compare it to and hit up a few sights on the way.....
My first stop was the pair of Corbusier houses who's visiting hours i'd missed the last time I stopped by.... Maisons Roche and Jeanneret. They were in a sleepy-quiet part of the 16th district, hidden away down a private alley. I got there a little before visiting hours, so I sketched outside in the cold - i'm getting better at it, fingers were still quite stiff by the time i was done. wanted to show a little how clean the corb buildings are compared to the more frilly Parisian houses were - perspective a little off, shrug.
Could only get into la Maison Roche - it's the corbusier headquarters for Paris besides, um more just a table full of information, at least it didn't detract. Interesting house, designed as a house/art gallery, bright lit spaces and indeed a fantastic promanade through the house. Door open into a large open room, one story at the entrance but opening up to three stories on each side, with openings - one side more private and the roof terrace, the other side the living room and libraries, with a pass connecting the two right above the main door. You could see so much of the rest of the house from any one point - appropriate for the art gallery aspect, and the house too i think. the interior sketch is of one staircase drawn from the top of the other side. fun house to visit, i was by myself at first, so cool, when more people came they really cared about being there so it wasn't so bad. lots of people sketching.

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