Pleasant walk with the boys from studio to Gare L'Est last night to buy the tickets we'll use this evening to go to Munich for the weekend. Rather procrastinating we made our way to a nice french restaurant and had a very french meal - it was great. typical stick-skinny french waitress, my food didn't fill up half the plate but the honey and thyme sauce was so rich it was quite filling enough. mmm so good. nice to do that once in a while, as long as we're here. not putting too much hope in fancy german food, i'm excited for real bratwurst and apparently excellent bread. This picture is from a while ago, but it's part of a bridge over the canal we were walking around to find food. so it relates hehe.
Schedule for the next two weeks.... I will probably write in between there, this is a class = WORKing vacation, hardcore, and i'll have my computer with (bleh). Night train to Munich, Sunday morning to Stuttgart, Monday-Thursday in Dinkensbuehl, Germany.... (good luck finding it on a map...). It was our professor's home for awhile, so he got the local government excited to have us over and um, do work for them? sort of continuing our studio projects here, cumulating in an open house/gallery exhibit of our work. I'm ambivilant, it could be kind of cool in that producing work (and for an exhibition!) type way, or just boring.... hmm we'll see. will try to have fun. it's a small town so there's apparently forest to get lost in, and verygood trails...ee.... gonna bring my skates, if i can skate a couple times it should make up for nearly anything else.... sounds like fun there... Anyway, Friday to Nuremburg in the morning, then continue the trip to Prague for the weekend. Dkb for mon-thursday again, thursday night gallery opening reception party thing, later that night to berlin :) or friday morning to dessau to see the bauhaus if that sounds better. weekend in berlin, back to paris monday or early tuesday morning :). I'll be in Berlin for easter, hopefully german chocolate bunnies are as good as the cake.
Going to watch the movie Hostel tonight, to get properly freaked out for the 2 weeks we'll be staying in them.
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