Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I'm back! Tons to write and tell about, but i'm supposed to be working on studio too, get as far as I can.... friday night's movie didn't work out, instead a leisurely stella (french beer, good) outside on a beautiful spring night... made it hard to leave paris.

night train brought us to munich in the morning, hosteller recommended the 'typical bavarian breakfast' of weissworst, bretzel, and beer.... so we wandered the main street/plaza of Munich, came across a large street fair to sieze the tradition, white sausages (with some excellent mustard) and our first 0,5 l of german beer... yummy! Beer garden tables and noisy germans. Churches on the way, both rebuilt from bombings, cool pictures of the rubble. Beautiful beautiful stained glass in one, blocky color on the bottom fading to clear on the top... Posted by Picasa

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