Sunday, March 26, 2006

Artsyish writing, with pictures

Beautiful weird day, a little burnt out from the week. rather then boring list of things done, i'll tell it like I was trying to in my notebook... kind of stiff i guess, hopefully comprehensible...

Sitting on this bench for the second time today, in this park that i've visited every day here in Istanbul, this park that every western or Asian tourist spends time in, feels part of an inevitable rhythm. If it had not been me, some other sightseer needing rest without settling for a moment without a view would have sat down happily with their bones, maybe thinking these thoughts, maybe not.

This morning's visit was action-oriented - the perfect place to sketch the Hagia Sofia in the sunshine that finally chose to brighten our path after 5 days without. Our placement by no means original, a timid question and the shy sketching Frenchman moved his bag for another unoriginal sketcher. Posted by Picasa

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