Evening now, sun as obscured as it has been since noon, buyt a teasing blue sky laughs and promises an unappreciatedly clear night. Sunset a suprisingly lovely thing, clouds broken shards still refusing sunlight through, mayhaps i'll catch some before I retire. The park is much less hectic now, benches around the fountain still full, but the bottlenecks on every path relieved of loudly-clothed tourists, arteries open for the bands of Turkis males parading slowly, impeccably clad. One just sat down here, conversation impossibly, interesting though. Cute boy, maybe well meaning since he certainly can't sell me anything. His denim wardrobe is a welcome break from the black suits, less well dressed. He's still sitting here, I'm listening to his occasional attempts, but the only words we have in common are 'Turkish' 'English' and 'old'. Sun!
My sitting on this bench tonight precipitated by my wish for a view, my lack of hotel key, and hope that the sun may yet peak. Writing can be accomplished anywhere, perhaps my creation vibes from earlier will transfer to this record, incoherent though it be. At least, minus this shivering boy still sitting here, writing curled over has kept me from the hecklers, from males selling things.

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