Sunday, March 26, 2006

SUN! Sat 18 Mar 05

exciting to wake up and see the sun out our (huge) window. morning prep a good deal faster then normal, we grabbed our sketchbooks and headed for the blue mosque to sketch. sitting on the odd field of benches outside the mosque bench, i decided to finally get that shoe polish i'd been bugged so many times for and badly needed after so many days of wandering through questionable paving/not materials (the wet concrete really did need to get taken off my poor leather shoes). so i got to sit and be sketching while some heckler guy polished my shoes.... quite the queen. haggled him down to 1/5 his outrageous original price suggestion, mostly by honestly not having any more money then that in my pockets.... sigh. can't decide if haggling is more stressful then fun - it's both those things, strongly. well, if you haggle decently it's fun. sketch/painting turned out pretty well, a little lopsided. sun kind of disappeared as i was inking it, made it a lot less exciting. Posted by Picasa

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